Author; Patricia Grace
Characters: Grandparents, granddaughter and her teacher.
Setting: a house. other than that on the footpath.
Rising Action: Grandfather's conversation with his neighbor when he was on his way to his place. Conflict: Man vs environment and nature
Climax: Grandparents and their granddaughter's conversation about her book "butterflies".They ask her if the teacher liked her story or not. 
Falling Action: Their granddaughter was unsure whether the teacher liked it or not. 
Resolution: she just stood their listened what her grandparents were saying. They're aren't any violence and that
makes an happy ending. I really enjoyed reading it.

The Flying Machine
Author; Ray Bradbury
setting; China
Characters; The emperor, the flying man and the emperor's servant.
Rising action; When a servant of an emperor noticed a man that has created a some sort machine to fly. When the emperor saw a man flying he was not really happy of it.
Conflict: The emperor felt threatened by the flying machine and he was afraid that he is going to do some sort of a damage to The Great China Wall.
Climax: The emperor ordered to finish the flying machine and he also killed the inventor. Other than that he buried the inventor and his invention.
Resolution; The emperor could have introduced that man's invention to the world instead of destroying it.

A matter of Balance
Author; W. D. Valgardson
setting; A normal Wednesday in the Provincial Park
characters; Protagonist is Harold and the Bikers
Rising action Harold tried to assured himself that the two bikers bring no harms to him, while packing his stuff and leaving. Harold hurried away on a difficult path, he figured out it will be difficult for the bikers to attack him. Harold was thinking about ways to avoid the bikers, but he remembered that he has to be back home by seven today, because his wife is killed, the children will be worried even if he is just few minutes late. Harold hoped there would be other hikers or railway crew on the path, and he kept assuring himself that the two bikers are not here to pursue him.
falling action

The Cabin Door
Author: Charles G.D. Roberts
Characters: Sissy Bembridge, A black bear
Setting: In the New Brunswick woods
Rising Action: When she was alone in the woods and she got lost in the darkness. It was too much for Sissy even though she knew what she was doing. Suddenly she heard a noise coming from the bushe's behind her, as she walked closer she saw a huge black bear.
Conflict: It is between the black bear and Sissy Bembridge.  She tried to find a way how to escape from the bear, but the bear followed her each step.whenever she had feeling that she is going to be safe unfortunately she also had feeling that the bear is going to come close to her and it's gonna attack her.  
Climax: She set the cabin on fire and made the bear run away.
Falling Action: Sissy finally escaped the black bear and the burning cabin.

One mile of ice
Author: Hugh Garner
Characters: Ralph and Pete
setting: New Brunswick, winter 
Rising action: getting stuck on the lake
Falling action: Their deaths on the lake
Climax: Pete's death