The Table above shows the number of times violence, sexual, prejudice or questionable acts occurred in each of the 10 episodes. While violence is very minimal in each of the 10 episodes the sexual content is very high, as most of the episodes scenes take place in a bar where one of the main characters goal is to find a different girl to be with. Of course the show is about a man searching for his future wife so it is expected that the shows sexual content will remain high. The violence that did take place in the very few episodes took place due to a “slap bet” which was then carried on into other episodes, other than this there is little to none violence on the show. Prejudice remarks in the show are usually made towards one of the characters named Robin, who is at times picked on because she is Canadian. 

The graph makes it very obvious as to what is most shown in the TV Series. It shows that every episode sexual context exists but every other category is only there sometimes, depending on the events that take place in the show. Since the show is about a man trying to find his future wife, him and his friends date countless number of people throughout the episodes. 

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